The deputies of the different parliamentary groups have received a letter signed by more than 100 civil society organisations from all over Spain, including CEAR, Save the Children, Solidary Wheels, Iridia, Novact, Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes, Elín, MDLR, Geum Doudou and the Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía, who hope that the following letter will become effective:
Concerned about the extreme seriousness of the fact that what happened on June 24 in the
autonomous city of Melilla, where at least 23 people, 37 according to local organisations, died trying to cross the fence, has still not been clarified; more than 100 civil society organisations, including CEAR, Save the Children, Solidary Wheels, Irídia, Novact, Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes, Elín, MDLR, Geum Doudou and Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía, are contacting you to express our concern.
A BBC report has questioned the Interior Ministry's version of events and highlights the need for a judicial investigation. The recently published evidence points to the disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force by the Moroccan security forces in the area of Barrio Chino in an area partially controlled by the Guardia Civil and which, according to the land registry, is Spanish territory. Some 700 people were trapped in this area, resulting in deaths by suffocation without the Spanish authorities providing medical assistance. In addition, the actions of Moroccan agents in Spanish territory, executing summary returns and the illegitimate and disproportionate use of force were recorded.
According to the investigation carried out by the Ombudsman's Office, there were 470 refoulements at the border without taking into account both national and international legal provisions and without having applied the guarantee of non-refoulement of persons in a situation of vulnerability or in need of protection. This is especially worrying given that the majority of the people came from countries with high rates of recognition of the need for international protection.
The undersigned organisations consider that a state governed by the rule of law should guarantee justice, reparation and non-repetition for those affected. That is why we request:
-The approval of a Commission of Inquiry in Congress to clarify the facts regarding the influence that the use of riot control equipment by the Spanish security forces in the area, as well as the inaction of the authorities to carry out rescue work had on the resulting deaths, and to clarify what part of the events took place on Spanish territory.
-Compliance by the State with its international obligations regarding the search for missing persons, reported by the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) at 77 people, and international protection, guaranteeing safe and legal routes, such as the possibility of processing asylum applications in Spanish Embassies and/or Consulates.
-The end of pushbacks and the guarantee of the application of the Constitutional Court's doctrine regarding the right to request asylum and individualised attention.
-The adoption of measures for the determination of responsibilities, reparation for the victims and the guarantee of non-repetition based on the results of the investigation.
Yours sincerely
The undersigned organisations.
The undersigned organisations: 1 CEAR - Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado 2 Save the Children 3 APDHA- Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía 4 Solidary Wheels 5 Asociacion Geum Dodou 6 SJM - Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes 7 Mec de la Rue - MDLR 8 Asociación Elin 9 Irídia 10 NOVACT 11 València és Refugi 12 L’ElianaVol 13 Plataforma Les Balears Acollim 14 El taller la isleta 15 Federacion de Asociaciones Africanas en Canarias FAAC 16 Fondo Verde 17 Sos refugiados europa 18 ONGI ETORRI ERREFUXIATUAK BIZKAIA 19 Obrim Fronteres Valencia 20 Plataforma Ciudadana Caudete se Mueve 21 GureHaizeak 22 Foro Galego da Inmigración 23 CASA PERÚ 24 PLATAFORMA INTERCULTURAL 25 Ballonna Matata 26 Federación Unión Africana España 27 Asociación Valiente Bangla 28 Asamblea de Apoyo a Personas Migrantes en Tenerife 29 Puente Humano 30 EREI Elkartasunerako Elkartea 31 Sos 32 Maakum Ceuta 33 Colectivo Hourria 34 Erletxe. Oficina de informacion y agitacion social 35 Associació Institut de les Desigualtats 36 Alternativa Antimilitarista.MOC/ADNV 37 REDESSCAN(Red Canaria en defensa de los Servicios Sociales) 38 Red Canaria en defensa de los derechos de las personas Migrantes 39 Red Interinsular apoyo migrantes 40 Independiente 41 Asociación de empleadas de hogar cuidado y limpieza de Cáceres 42 Asociacion Atlas, Gran Canaria 43 No name kitchen 44 Egakume 45 Movimiento de Mujeres Migrantes de Extremadura 46 Asociacion El Telar
47 Mare mortum 48 Observatorio de Derechos Humanos Samba Martine 49 Somos Red 50 Emergencia Frontera Sur Barcelona 51 Diapó con África 52 Agila 53 Red de Acogida de El Puerto de Santa María.Cadiz 54 La Conca Terra d'Acollida 55 Stop mare mortum Tarragona 56 Emergencia Frontera Sur Motril 57 TrasLaManta 58 Plataforma Bienvenid@s Refugiad@s de La Rioja 59 Associació Vine amb mi 60 Uhuru Valencia 61 Valencia es Refugi 62 Equipo del Decenio Afrodescendiente- España 63 Stop Mare mortum 64 NO ONE IS ILLEGAL 65 Movimiento estatal RegularizacionYa 66 Papers i Drets per a Tothom 67 ASNUCI 68 Teranga Extremadura 69 Convivir sin racismo 70 Lizarra Ciudad de Acogida 71 CIEs NO Madrid 72 Plataforma Prorrefugiadxs de Badajoz 73 UCFR Garraf 74 Unitat Contra el feixisme i el racisme (Catalunya) 75 Asociación Mujeres Sembrando 76 Asociación Alendoy 77 Universitat Internacional de la Pau (Unipau) 78 CIM Burkina 79 CESÁfrica 80 Asoc. Nourdine - Asoc. Cultural La Paz 81 L'Empelt, Ateneu popular de la Conca de Barberà 82 Afromurcia en Movimiento 83 Cnaee Murcia 84 La Reducción Almería 85 Aquí Estamos Migrando 86 Asociación pro derechos de la infancia 87 Stop Desahucios Social 88 Federación Unión africana España 89 Coordinadora Obrim Fronteres COF 90 Ongi eorri errefuxiatuak 91 Plataforma ciudadana pro-refugiados Alto Aragón 92 Carabana abriendo fronteras 93 ASOCIACIÓN SUPERVIVIENTES-GURUMBÉ 94 Ensenyants Solidaris
95 Asturias acoge 96 Bienvenidxs Refugiadxs Huesca 97 Málaga Acoge 98 Hotz Oñati Errefuxiatuen Giza Eskubideen Aldeko Elkartea 99 Hotz Oñati 100 Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak Gipuzkoa 101 Andalucía Acoge 102 Movimiento en Defensa del Sistema Público de Pensiones de Oviedoes 103 Pasaje Seguro Cantabria 104 Amher 105 Asociacion cultural valdeallin 106 Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau 107 Red Interlavapies 108 Asociación Territorio Domestico 109 Asociación Senda de Cuidados 110 Watch the Med - Alarm Phone 111 RUBÍ ACULL 112 Associació Reus Refugi 113 Biznegra 114 Amlega 115 Plataforma Refugiados Extremadura 116 Puerta de África