Solidary Wheels is a non-profit organisation made up of a group of independent volunteers who share a common resolve: to challenge European border policies and the constant violation of fundamental human rights that these entail.
We established ourselves as an association (NGO status) in June 2019, although prior to this we were active in our own in our cities and countries of origin, as well as along the many borders of the European Union, promoting a dignified life for people who migrate to Europe.
In January 2020 we began our work in Melilla, where we are carrying out our project on the ground. Since then, the project has evolved according to the perceived needs, capabilities and learning experiences of our volunteers.
We believe in a project based on unity, where the opinion of each person counts, and in establishing a stable organisational structure that is self-sustaining. For this reason, we are a non-hierarchical team, built upon the principle of clear and open communication, and eager to welcome anyone and everyone who wishes to collaborate with us.
We are predominantly a women's group working from a feminist perspective, with the firm principle of promoting the empowerment of each and every one of us through teamwork and the fostering of personal relations.