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We began our project in Melilla in order to address the lack of information about the scarcity of resources available to the community of mostly underage people-on-the-move who are forced to live on the streets here - either because they have been excluded from official accommodation centres, or because they have chosen not to enter.

We seek to address, as far as possible, the basic needs that arise from the desperate situation they find themselves in. We look to transform the harsh reality in which people on the streets live and, to this end, we establish links of support, trust and respect that allow us to get closer their reality and work alongside them to prevent a greater impact on their migration journey.

The activities we carry out are part of a joint project in which we collaborate with No Name Kitchen, an organisation which works horizontally alongside us.

This collaboration was established with the idea of guaranteeing the efficiency and effectiveness of our projects, as well as ensuring that they are self-sustaining and continue for years to come.

The added value of the cooperation between the two associations lies in the expansion of both local and international support networks, resulting in raising more awareness about the violations committed both at the border and in Melilla itself.

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